Friday, August 31, 2007

Yea for Baths!!

We love bath time....Kainoa will spend as much time in the tub as we allow. Many of the bath times remind me of Dennis the Menace comics where his parents walk in and the duckie and ship are floating atop an overflowing tub and the floor is covered with water. Now, we're not at the point where Kainoa is allowed anywhere near the tub alone, but SOMEHOW the floor always ends up wet and so do we.

I came home from work the other night and found this handsome (although wildly coifed) little boy waiting for me...
And it quickly changed to THIS when it was time to get out:

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


There's nothing better than a cool popsicle on a very hot day!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Busy, Busy Boy

It feels like forever since I've blogged about our adventures....we've just been on the go, or more like Kainoa has been on the go and we've been chasing him.

Kainoa's first beater (mmm....chocolate frosting!)

Eating popcorn with cousins.....gotta find every last kernal. Asia Afternoons and a performance by dancers from

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I can do it myself!!!

Kainoa has been using a spoon for some time now...but usually it's in one hand and he eats whatever's in his bowl with his other hand unless it's something sticky or gooey, then he's a master at the spoon. Well...the last few weeks have been what I can only imagine as a glimpse into full fledged toddler independence. He must do it himself! He has no interest in being fed and gets quite noisy if I insist on feeding him (usually in the interest of time), which usually manafests as a screech, a vise-like grip on the spoon and a "no, no, no." This is good, right?!?