Our "Diaper Daredevil" at the end of his rope.
I'd like to take a moment before waxing poetic about my amazing son and say "thank God for grandparents." I had the incredible fortune to know three of my four grandparents and I have many stories about my dad's mom that passed just months before I was born, so on some level I feel like I knew her, too. I had a very special relationship with my Grandma Ruth and miss her to this day. I especially miss her when I watch Kainoa eating raspberries and blackberries by the fistfull. I know she would have been right there with him...and adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.
Now, Kainoa has the great fortune to spend time with his grandparents and all four of them are alive and kicking and adore him AND he even has a Great Grandmama. Grandma Phyllis and Papa Andy, from Hawaii, were here in February and got to spend many days with our little guy and we can't wait until their next visit.
This afternoon, as they do on many afternoons, my parents were here to be with Kainoa while I went to work. They are so generous with their time and we so appreciate that they are willing to help out. I have a hard time putting into words how much it means to me that Kainoa and they are building a strong relationship and that I never worry when they're together. Thank you so much, Mom & Dad.
This morning was another morning for firsts for us. Today, Kainoa watched and enjoyed a full episode of Baby Einstein! We tried a few months ago, and he had little interest...but, today he climbed into his rocker with a book and was "reading" to himself. So, I thought, hmmmm...I have a couple things I'd like to complete without his "help" and popped in our Baby Mozart DVD. Low and Behold, he watched it! He got especially excited when the Planet Mobile came on. We'll have to find one for his room. :-) Maybe we can do a little Sesame Street or Wiggles next week. I was amazed by his attention span and for 30 minutes today, he was still and I completed a project. What an accomplishment (for both of us)! Another fun little 'milestone' was Kainoa smiled on command for the camera for the first time today.