Sunday, November 16, 2008

Enjoying Fall (it is Fall, right?)

Yes, it's 75 here today.....we've spent the last two days out in the sunshine. It was so warm yesterday Kainoa reminded me to bring the sunscreen! It's been fun getting another few days out of our favorite summer clothes.
We're also trying to get ready for Christmas. I am committed to mindful spending this impulse shopping that totally sends me over the budget EVERY year. I'm not yet at the "frugal" stage...but I'd like to be. I really want to teach Kainoa about all the wonderful traditions and stories of the season, not the over-spending and "gotta have's" that seem to permiate our society. Last year, I remember franticly searching for "that toy" I just had to get, but never found. This year, it's more simple. This year, we will enjoy the lights. We will enjoy reading the stories. We will focus on family, baby Jesus' birthday, making yummy treats for the neighbors, making presents that mean something and will capture this particular Christmas.

We also tried to take advantage of the glorious sun and get our Christmas card's a sneak peak (through 'out takes'):


Amanda said...

that boy of yours sure is handsome! Your Christmas Card "outtakes" are better than most of our "intakes"!

Sarah k said...

Tooo sweet! It sounds like a plan Jen! And a good one at that!!!

Sarah k