Saturday, July 05, 2008

Sleep, please.

If I could order it, I would. But, I can't.

I would truly give anything to be inside my little guys head these last few days (more, like, say 10) I might be able to help him. But for some mysterious reason, sleep has not come easy nor for very long recently. I'm tired. Daddy's tired. And, Kainoa's got to be tired.

Oh I miss this.....


Springtime said...

jen lily goes through these phases too. I never know why or how to help but she always seems to mysteriously fix it and sleep comes once again. I wish you luck!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn - Rachel went through a phase like this when she was about 27 months old. She had a hard time falling asleep, then was up 4 to 5 times each night. Chris and I were exhausted! I contacted our agency for advice. Basically, we just needed to be patient and give Rachel the comfort she was seeking. It took about 2 months for the phase to pass, but the worst part only lasted for a couple of weeks. Before she entered this phase, she was falling asleep on her own and sleeping through the night. I never knew that a child's sleep patterns could change so much. Please let us know if we can do anything to help so you and Daddy can get some rest.

Amy L

Sarah k said...

Wow.. I am sorry that sleep isn't something that is easily gotten in your home right now. I hate it when you feel something in your child and you can't put your finger on it....
I hope you find the answer soon or poor Kainoa gets sleep soon...